Fifty-two-year-old Giovanni
Belgrano, principal structural engineer for the team, has worked in the Cup for
25 years on and off as a partner in a composites consulting company called SP
Systems and specifically with ETNZ in 2007, Luna Rossa in 2000, and America3 in
1992. Here Belgrano explains how ETNZ has managed to keep it all together thus
What’s the specific goal of your job?
The design is structurally driven, so I work with the design team to come up
with the best solutions in terms of getting the most effective performance that
we can and the structural stiffness and strength that we need to go fast. We’re
now in the final stages of development which include final refinement but mainly
monitoring performance of the structure and making sure we’re ahead of the
game--sailing the boat harder now that we’re in the venue, learning the San
Francisco conditions.
What have you learned about the conditions in San
GB: We sort of knew them, but there’s
nothing like actually being here measuring the loads and recording the
structural behavior of the boat. To give you an idea of my day today, it was a
sailing day, and I have to prepare the boat and get it in the water. Then I sit
on the chase boat with an iPad and look at the strengths and loads in the
structure. We have a number of values that we have reached in the past, and
every single maneuver and every single angle that we’ve tried in race training.
I carefully look on the water at what’s happening, then what I’m doing right
now back in the office is typing a memo with a list of things to check after
today; that’s because we’ve hit a couple of records in a few areas. Every day
we try something different and record all the strains and the values with fiber
optics on the boat, so I make sure that I can report which areas have been
loaded more highly than usual today. There are only two areas today which is
quite good.
Can you tell me what those areas are?
The mainbeam starboard--we’re keeping an eye on the fibers in one of the main
beams, and there’s an area on one of the boards which today has reached a
higher level than before, so we’re going to look carefully at that also, in
addition to the standard checks that we do. The shore team has a set of checks
that they do post-sailing, and they’ll go on the boat and check those areas
more carefully.
Are you able to “see” any issues that may be
occurring on the boat as you’re following on the chase boat?
GB: We work
on several levels; one is that you can visually look and see that the boat is
going fast and the team is developing new maneuvers and racing techniques. The
other level is that you can check on the computer from the boat instruments how
fast they are going, how much wind, what angle they’re sailing, etc. The final
level is ... if we get too close to anything we’re going to get an alarm
warning if we reached a certain level. We also reference all the records we
have achieved, like the highest levels we have reached with certain loads. We
load test the boat before she goes in the water, then we do another load test
in the water. So that’s what I’m doing: monitoring loads while we’re sailing.
Have you seen changes in the structure over the 33
days that your second boat has been on the water?
GB: No, the
structure has stayed the same. The only change is the way that we sail it, the
maneuvers we do. They’re like kids--you have to keep an eye on them every
single second because to prevent a failure, even to anticipatem we need to
visually see, then we discuss the maneuvers the guys are doing. Then we have a
much better understanding when we look at the data. It’s a high priority, but
we only have one thing left to do ... win some races.
What is a fiber optic load sensor and how are you
using them?
GB: It’s a fiber made of glass not much thicker than a
hair that transmits light. Little grooves are made in th epoxy, and the fibers
are dropped into those grooves--the same as is used in telecommunications. The
fiber is embedded in the laminate all over the boat: in the rigging, the
daggerboards, etc. If you stretch or compress certain areas, a certain amount
of light transmits through the fibers which provide us with data on how much
stretch or strain has occurred. We spend all our time monitoring how much
everything is stretching, whether it's rigging, or laminate on the boat, or the
daggerboards or rudders--how much they are bending.
How do you monitor its behavior within the
GB: There are things called interrogators
which can handle about 40 channels each, and they send light through these
cables. At each point where we want to know what’s happening--it’s only
sensitive at a given point, every 2 meters or 1 meter or 250 mm, they are
manufactured for us to the specs that we want--at that point it stretches and
the light will go faster through that part of the fiber. Therefore we know how
much force there is on the laminate at that point. There is a computer in each
hull, and we see the data via WiFi. Then we download it when we get back to
shore. It’s pretty cool actually to see the boat highlighted and everything
that is happening. We initially used to go on the boat to try to look at the
data, but it's nearly impossible with the spray; then the iPads go haywire and
you have no screen! So we watch from the chaseboats instead, see the data, and
talk to the guys on the radio.
How long have you been using this?
This is new for ETNZ, and it’s our first time using it as a primary active
system. It’s typically used for very specialized testing. It’s not that
commonly used as it's very delicate and complicated.
How were you previously managing the observation
and monitoring of structural issues?
GB: A more old-fashioned
but still more reliable electrical resistance system called strain gauges.
They’re embedded into systems called load cells which are everywhere. Fiber
optic supplements the load cells and the pressure sensors. There’s a lot of
hydraulics on these boats (most of the controls on these boats are
hydraulic)--all the hydraulics have pressure sensors so you can measure the
pressure and therefore understand the force.
What’s the procedure if something looks suspicious
while you’re out on the boat?
GB: We call them on the
boat and discuss what we’re seeing if the loads are unusual. The boat gets
synced to a thing called the blueprint: a number of standard settings. They
don’t improvise, they sail by the numbers, and they can see the loads on board
through all the load cells I’ve described. They do most of their adjustments against
those load cells. They are very load conscious on the boat.
What’s been the advantage of the fiber optic
GB: We have more detailed information about what is happening.
It’s actually a lot more to worry about! The more information you have, the
more concerns you have.
How’s your speed out there?
I think we’re building up to the regatta. Right now we’re focusing on venue
development, understanding the venue--it’s very tricky to sail here--and of
course skill practicing. There’s never enough time to practice enough and
perfect all the maneuvers, meantime the boat has to hold together. We’re going
faster all the time and trying new tricks all the time. Each time is a new
Your thoughts on multihulls/AC72s in the America’s
GB: They’re a significant challenge engineering and design-wise.
We’re not doing this because we like working on it, it’s what we're told to do
if we want to challenge for the America’s Cup. I don’t mind them--they’re
interesting, but they’re certainly not practical. Technologically challenging,
and generally speaking, totally impractical!
* As published: http://www.sailingworld.com/blogs/racing/americas-cup/designing-a-lean-mean-machine?page=0,0
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